To add a MOBI file to your Kindle app for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch (iOS Device), follow these steps: If that is the case with your version, try looking for this directory: ~/Library/Containers//Data/Library/Application Support/Kindle/My Kindle Content. It looks like the more recent versions of the Kindle App for Mac OS X puts the book files in a different location.Mac OS X: The Kindle Content directory is located in your Documents directory.If you can't find the My Kindle Content folder, try looking for this folder: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Amazon\Kindle\application\content.

If I'm not mistaken, the Kindle app downloaded in the Windows 8 App Store stores the files in a completely different directory.

Go to the settings of your Kindle device or app and look for the Kindle email address. This works with the Kindle and the Kindle Apps. The simplest way to add a book to your Kindle library is to email the book to your Kindle device. I will break this guide up into six sections: Email, The Kindle, Kindle for the Desktop, Kindle for the iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch, Kindle for Android, and Other. This page will be a guide to assist you in putting a MOBI file in your Kindle Library to read on your Kindle or using your Kindle software. Recently, I have included a Kindle-friendly formatted file of the RCV on the Download page. MOBI Files Home > Menu > Articles > How to Add a MOBI File to Your Kindle Library