What does is this: “You seem like the type to love ’em and leave ’em/And disappear right after this song.” Sorry, dudes, but no: you do not get to be reflexively postmodern. Michaelangelo Matos: The chorus is reprehensible, the appeal to kids is appalling, the Auto-tune needs the National Guard called on it: but that’s not what bothers me the most about this song. The Benny Blanco production is actually rather good, bright and cheery, but I kind of hate this anyway. Sean is heavily autotuned, Justin is wet. “Eenie meenie miny moe/Catch a bad chick by her toe” is a horrible opening, and it sticks with the theme. For me this leaps boldly across to the latter side from the start, and happily stays there. Martin Skidmore: There’s a fine line between ‘very catchy’ and ‘fucking annoying’. Donnie Trumpet & the Social Experiment.Email (song suggestions/writer enquiries).